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Postgraduate Studies

The Department operates two Postgraduate Studies Programs (MSc).

Software Engineering for Internet & Mobile Applications

In today’s distributed and mobile environments (intranets, internet), the development of large-scale applications requires knowledge and skills far beyond those that can be included and provided at the undergraduate level. Indicatively, some key sectors that are already shaping global developments in the field are Cloud Computing and Online Services (Cloud Computing, XaaS), Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Data Analytics, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

The MSc deepens in the areas of Software Engineering that concern the creation of modern and large-scale internet and portable applications, as well as their combination. It also extends to areas such as Software Project Management and Machine Learning, which can help create better applications.

Check the MSc’s site: https://seima.ds.uth.gr/

Modern Communication Systems & Internet of Things

The aim of this MSc course is to transfer know-how, methodologies, computer tools, technical and research results in the scientific field of Telecommunication Systems and the Internet of Things (IoT). Emphasis is placed on operating principles, modeling, performance studies, as well as their applications in modern technological and socio-economic activities.

The MSc emphasizes the areas of wireless or wired communications in small- or large-scale infrastructures, both in the backbone and in the edges. It provides essential knowledge for designing and developing QoS communication networks with state-of-the-art tools, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. The MSc specializes in the effective implementation of embedded systems, sensors, and actuators in the Internet of Things, but also in the safe and reliable networking of technological objects that surround us (devices, vehicles, instruments, etc) both in personal/home and in an industrial environment.

Check the MSc’s site: https://csiot.ds.uth.gr/