Introduction to Digital Systems
Module ID
Hours/Week - ECTS
5 – 5

Iatrellis Omiros
Assistant Professor
Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to:
- have understood the basic principles of Information Technology
- have acquired basic IT knowledge and skills
- know the basics of PC hardware so they understand how it works
- can develop simple programs
- are able to connect securely to the Internet
- leverage software applications to increase their productivity
- apply the above in practice
Indicative Module Content
- Computing principles
- History of computing
- Turing Machine
- Arithmetic Systems
- Digital Electronics and Boolean Algebra
- Structure and operation of computer
- Operating Systems Fundamentals
- Introduction to Software Engineering
- Programming languages
- Communication systems
- Networks and the Internet
- Data structures
- Database applications
- Security and cryptography
- Pattern recongition
- Data Compression
- Error-Correcting Codes