Introduction to Programming
Module ID
Hours/Week - ECTS
5 – 6

Lampsas Petros
Learning Outcomes
The course provides students with first contact with the fundamentals of computer-aided problem solving. Students are introduced to the basic principles of procedural programming using the C language. The course is accompanied by a workshop, in which participants apply – in a series of tasks – what was taught on the course with the aim of deepening the concepts and techniques.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Describe C language data types and control structures.
- Use program development and debugging tools.
- Organize his/her code in an efficient manner.
- Implement the use of the basic constructs of the C language to implement algorithms and solve problems.
- Detect syntax and logic errors in the programs it develops.
- Analyze the requirements of problems to be solved with a computer and formulates algorithms for solving problems.
- Apply the appropriate constructs of the C programming language to implement the algorithmic solutions it has arrived at.
- Collaborate with colleagues to develop programs.
Indicative Module Content
- Introduction to programming.
- The memory model and the variable concept.
- Basic data types and operators.
- Control structures, branches, iterations.
- Functions, scope, and lifetime of variables, calling functions, passing parameters.
- Pointers.
- Arrays.
- Complex data types.
- Recursion.
- Dynamic, interconnected data structures.
- Use of libraries.