Module ID
Hours/Week - ECTS
5 – 6

Apostolos Xenakis
Assistant Professor
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Know and understand in depth the basic concepts, principles and laws related to Mechanics of Material point, Solid State, Electricity and Magnetism.
- Apply the knowledge acquired in solving complex problems.
- Evaluate, analyze, and relate this knowledge.
- Develop critical thinking skills to interpret phenomena of everyday reality.
- Cooperate harmoniously and productively with other fellow students in solving course problems as well as preparing assignments.
Indicative Module Content
- Straight and Curved Motion,
- Newton’s Laws and Applications
- Power Work and Kinetic Energy,
- Dynamic Energy and Conservation of Energy
- Momentum, Momentum and Dissipation
- Rotational Solid Motion,
- Rotational Dynamics
- Balance and Flexibility, Gravitational Interaction,
- Periodic Movement,
- Coulomb’s Law, Electric Charges and Fields,
- Gauss’s Law, Electric Potential, Equipotential Surfaces and Conductors,
- Work and Energy in Electrostatics,
- Capacitance and Dielectrics, Capacitors,
- Electric dipole,
- Current and Resistance,
- Direct Current Circuits, HED, Kirchhoff’s Laws, RC Circuit.
- Definition of Magnetic Field, Lorentz Force, Magnetic Force Work,
- Cycloidal motion,
- Biot-Savart Law,
- Ampere’s Law,
- Magnetic flux,
- Magnetostatic field energy,
- Displacement Current,
- Faraday’s Law,
- Lenz’s rule,
- Self-induction and Mutual Induction, Tubular Coils,
- Magnetic Energy Storage,
- Composite Resistance,
- AC power circuit power and energy.
- Maxwell’s Equations, Plane Waves, Electromagnetic Front and Velocity wave,
- Energy and vector-Poynting