Object-Oriented Programming
Module ID
Hours/Week - ECTS
5 – 6

Kakarontzas George
Associate Professor
Learning Outcomes
The course focuses on basic and specialized concepts and structures related to programming languages that support object orientation using the JAVA language.
Students after this course will:
- Have been sufficiently exposed to the object-oriented programming paradigm.
- Have understood and learned the JAVA language
- Focus on the core of the JAVA language.
- Understand user interface with Swing.
- Understand interfacing with relational databases, files, and streams.
- Have knowledge of multi-threaded programming and basic networking.
Indicative Module Content
- Introduction to object-oriented programming
- Tables and strings
- Classes and objects
- Constructors
- Exceptions
- Inheritance, Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Implementation of class associations
- Files
- Input/output streams
- Graphical User Interfaces
- Access to Databases
- Threads and concurrent programming
- Introduction to object-oriented testing