Signals and Systems
Module ID
Hours/Week - ECTS
4 – 5

Karetsos George
Learning Outcomes
The course introduces students to the basic concepts of signal and systems theory, in continuous time.
- Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:
- Recognize basic continuous and discrete-time signals, for example exponential, sinusoidal, step and impulse, identify properties of given signals, for example periodicity, symmetry, type of energy or power, and perform basic signal transformations in the time domain.
- Determine whether given systems are linear and time invariant (LTI) as well as describe the significance of this class of systems.
- Identify properties of LTI systems with a range of techniques in the time or frequency domain using Fourier and Laplace transforms, choosing appropriate methods among system description based on input/output relationship, impulse response, frequency response, or transfer function together with its convergence region.
- Calculate convolutional sums and integrals.
- Analyze in the frequency domain various signals and stable LTI system
Indicative Module Content
- Basic signals of continuous and discrete time.
- Properties of continuous and discrete time signals.
- Properties of continuous and discrete time systems.
- Linear, time invariant (LTI) systems.
- Representation of periodic signals as Fourier series.
- Continuous time Fourier transform.
- Analysis of LTI systems in the field of time and frequency.
- Telecommunication systems representation and analysis.
- Laplace transform and its use for LTI systems analysis.