Image and Video Processing
Module ID
Hours/Week - ECTS
4 – 6

Apostolos Xenakis
Assistant Professor
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Understand and describe the nature and characteristics of image and video, the characteristics of codecs and applications of signal processing techniques for image and video.
- Understand the basic principles of multimedia data processing (sampling, quantization, statistical inference, etc.).
- Apply his knowledge to be able to choose the right encoder for various applications.
- Recognize the functions of hardware and software multimedia systems.
- Synthesize his knowledge to understand the functionality of multimedia data applications in telecommunication networks.
- Describe the basics of audio, voice, and audio codecs (MP3, AAC, etc.).
- Apply his knowledge to solve problems involving image and video compression and to estimate the computational complexity and performance of compression algorithms.
- Synthesize his knowledge to design his own algorithms to solve new problems.
Indicative Module Content
- Hardware and Software Multimedia Systems
- Basic Principles of Multimedia Data Processing (i.e. sampling, quantization, statistical properties, etc.)
- Signal transformations (i.e. DCT cosine transform etc.)
- Motion vectors
- Basic audio and voice principles, audio encoders (MP3, AAC, etc.)
- Information Theory Principles
- International MPEG audio and Video compression standards
- Estimation of the computational complexity of multimedia algorithms
- Multimedia data transmission applications in telecommunication networks