Didactics of Technology
Module ID
Hours/Week - ECTS
4 – 5

Omiros Iatrellis
Assistant Professor
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able:
- to understand the peculiarities of the teaching of information technology and digital technologies which are related to the diversity in terms of characteristics, motivations, the preferred way, place and time of learning of the learner audience,
- to know the historical development of the teaching of technology and informatics with or without the use of educational software,
- to implement the main learning strategies in the development of educational programs,
- to implement applications utilizing IT teaching support software,
- to systematically evaluate the quality of educational software.
Indicative Module Content
- Introduction to the teaching of Technology and in particular Informatics.
- Policies for the introduction and degree of integration of information technology in the educational system of Greece and the curricula of secondary education in Greece.
- The teaching of Technology and Informatics as a subject in Greece: curricula, courses, educational materials, school laboratories.
- Teaching topics of Technology and Informatics: traditional didactic approaches and approaches based on modern Learning Theories, learning difficulties in basic concepts of Informatics, examples from lesson plans and activities.
- Environments to support the teaching of informatics.
- Analysis of how to design and develop games with MIT Scratch tools.
- Laboratory application with the development of physical interaction games.