Software Project Management
Module ID
Hours/Week - ECTS
4 – 5

Vassilis Gerogiannis
Learning Outcomes
The students are expected to be able to:
- draw up the plan and schedule of a project
- monitor its progress
- manage the risks of a project using the relevant tools
- apply quality assurance techniques
- recognize and manage problematic situations (counter-standards) in projects
- apply different software cost estimation techniques, including Function Score Analysis
- manage key copyright issues
- own the basic principles governing the software licensing regime
Indicative Module Content
- Introduction, planning, scheduling of projects. Gantt and Pert charts.
- Risk management, quality assurance, software manufacturing process assessment models (CMMI).
- Analysis of degrees of operation.
- Project management counterexamples.
- Software cost estimation methods.
- Parametric models (COCOMO).
- Regression models, probabilistic models.
- Flexible software development methodologies (Scrum, XP).
- Quality control. Unit testing methodologies.
- Collaborative software development. The Free Software / Open Source Software model.
- IT project management techniques and tools.
- Intellectual property registration.
- Software Licensing Issues.