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Full CV

Panagiotis Politis


(Currently on sabbatical leave)

Information and Communication Technologies in Education – Didactics of Informatics

ppol-at-uth.gr  |  2410-684xxx

Academic Titles

  • BSc: Physics, Prysics Department, University of Patras, Greece
  • MSc: DEA Didactique de l’Informatique (Didactics of Informatics), Université PARIS 7, France.
  • MSc: Open and Distant Education, Hellenic Open University, Greece
  • PhD: The effect of various factors and especially various means of experimental multimedia educational software on the learning process of computer science, in students of Technological Educational Institutes, Université PARIS 7, France
    “L’influence de divers facteurs et particulièrement de divers médias de logiciel multimédia éducatif expérimental sur le processus de l’apprentissage de l’informatique chez les étudiants de niveau IUT”

Research Interests

Applications of ICT in education, Development and evaluation of educational digital environments, Didactics of Informatics, Distant teaching and learning, Modeling in education, Computational thinking

Courses he Teaches