Embedded Systems
Module ID
Hours/Week - ECTS
4 – 5

George Adam
Learning Outcomes
The course seeks to provide students with an understanding of the architecture, operation and programming of embedded computing systems, application development and implementation of related projects.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Understand the necessary basic concepts and acquired substantial knowledge on the topics related to the architecture of embedded computing systems.
- Have acquired the skills to apply specialized knowledge to advanced problems encountered in modern computing systems, with an emphasis on embedded computing layouts and architectures.
- Have acquired the ability to face and solve design issues related to the development of modern embedded systems and their applications, especially in the control of various other systems in various fields.
- Evaluate cases and applications of real embedded systems, as well as relevant research topics from contemporary literature and international journals and conferences.
- Develop control software applications for real-time embedded systems in high-level languages or specialized hardware and systems description languages (eg VHDL).
Indicative Module Content
- Introduction to embedded systems
- FPGA systems design methodology
- Introduction to hardware description languages and VHDL
- Technology and architecture of modern FPGAs
- Examples of modern rearranging architectures
- Implementation of systems on FPGA boards
- Built-in processors
- System on chip architectures (SoC)
- Specialized hardware and software simulation tools for FPGAs