Parallel and Distributed Systems
Module ID
Hours/Week - ECTS
4 – 5

George Adam
Learning Outcomes
The course focuses on the architecture, design, and performance study of parallel and distributed systems.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- He has excellent knowledge of the algorithms that parallel systems use and can implement them.
- Understand the pros and cons of modern multicore / multiprocessor architectures.
- Understand the structure and functionality of online distribution systems of every scale and form.
- Know the basic operating issues of supercomputers.
- Know modern approaches to distributed systems such as peer-to-peer networks and cloud computing.
- Apply the above on a practical level.
Indicative Module Content
- Parallel computer architectures (multicore, multiprocessor, cluster)
- Operating systems for parallel processing
- Scheduling algorithms
- Multi-core systems and PTHREADS
- Distributed systems and MPI
- GPU Architectures (OpenCL, CUDA)
- High Performance Computing
- Energy Consumption of Parallel Systems