The Dept. of Digital Systems of the School of Technology / University of Thessaly is based in Larissa and offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies.
The Department covers the theoretical foundation of Information and Telecommunications Technology and also emphasizes their integration into broader Digital Systems that solve real problems.
Highlights from the 2024 Panhellenic University Entry Exams
student positions coverage
of new students had the DSD 1st selection
of new students had the DSD in the first 3 selections
the best entrance score

Undergraduate Studies
The four-year undergraduate program of studies provides the foundation in key areas of informatics with its required courses. In addition, it provides a multitude of elective courses which, combined with the final year project, allow students to strengthen the direction of their studies, regarding their professional development as well as the continuation of their studies to a higher level.
A key element of the undergraduate program is that it provides specialty courses allowing the graduates to develop innovative digital systems with applications in important sectors of the digital transformation, such as the digital transformation of the primary sector, the internet of things, data analytics, artificial intelligence, etc.
Graduates of the Department have an excellent employment prospect and professional rights similar to those of other departments of Informatics.
The Digital Systems Department follows a philosophy of quality with respect to excellence and meritocracy, seeking the continuous improvement of the education provided and recognizing the responsibility for offering a multifaceted contribution to society.

Postgraduate Studies
In the academic year 2021-2022, the Digital Systems Dep. will operate two Postgraduate Programs (MSc):
“Software Engineering for
Internet & Mobile Applications”
“Modern Communication Systems
& Internet of Things”

Doctoral Studies
Important News!

Proceedings of the ICACS 2023 by ACM
ACM have published the proceedings of the 7th Int. Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Systems (ICACS 2023). You can access the proceedings in the following link: ICACS '23: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Systems,...

INVEST project receives extention grant for 4 more years!
INVEST is about the united efforts of 5 European Universities led by the idea of strengthening the link between teaching, research, innovation, knowledge transfer, encouraging mobility, and enhancing the high quality and excellence in education and research. The...

Evaluation with “EXCELLENT” for the Digital Systems Dep.
The Digital Systems Department of the University of Thessaly (https://ds.uth.gr/) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the evaluation and accreditation processes of its academic Undergraduate Program of Studies, which has been offered since 2019. The...

Recent Announcements
ICACS 2022 organization by the DS Dep. was a complete success!
The 6th International Scientific Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Systems – ICACS 2022 – was successfully organized online (September 17-18, 2022) by the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Thessaly. See photographic material from the proceedings...
INVEST coordinator with Minister of Education @86th-TIF-2022
[Αυτή η καταχώριση είναι διαθέσιμη και στα Ελληνικά - Χρησιμοποιείστε το κουμπί-σημαία στο μενού] Thessaloniki International Fair, 11-Sep-2022 INVEST coordinator for the University of Thessaly, Prof. Nicholas Samaras, having a chat with the Greek Minister of Education...
Fully Funded PhD Position
The number of learning opportunities available to learners has greatly increased in recent decades. Educational institutions traditionally focusing on initial education have made a shift to support programs in diverse settings, the training market has expanded and...
Workshop QBronze60 – Quantum Computing & Programming
The Greek Quantum Computing branch QGreece, the dean of School of Science Prof. Ilias Savvas and the Digital Systems Dep. (University of Thessaly, Greece), in cooperation with QWorld invite you to participate in the workshop QBronze60 - Quantum Computing and...
QGreece is the 14th member of QWorld
Ilias Savvas, Professor of the Digital Systems Department (University of Thessaly) and Dean of the School of Technology, leading a local student team and in collaboration with the opensource ecosystem of Quantum Computing QWorld, participated in the Entangling Online...
Approval of Research Proposal INVEST (HORIZON2020)
The University of Thessaly participates in the partnership of European Universities INVEST, through the research proposal INVEST4EXCELLENCE. The proposal was recently evaluated positively for 2,000,000 € funding. INVEST is a complementary call for HORIZON 2020...
Call for members – Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation
Call for expression of interest regarding the selection of the nine (9) regular members of the scientific council of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI). Call